About Impact World Change

Impact World Change exists to transform communities and improve lives through strategic, faith-driven efforts across Honduras, Ukraine, and Uganda. Our mission is grounded in the biblical concept of Oikos, emphasizing deep and meaningful relationships that inspire holistic development and long-term impact. We believe that by focusing on intentional relationships and direct engagement, we can address the root causes of poverty and hardship, bringing sustainable change to families, neighborhoods, and entire communities.

Our Mission

Oikos Initiative

God has supernaturally and strategically placed 8 to 15 people in our relational worlds that we love, influence, and do life with…

One of the biggest differences between us and other organizations providing humanitarian support is that we have established relationships in the countries we serve that have been developed and maintained for over 20 years.

Love God. Love Your Neighbor.

The Oikos principle is God’s primary strategy for reaching OTHERS.

God invites us to become involved with Him in His work.

Do not invent ways to get involved. Look to support.

Serve with compassion, empathy, patience, and humility.