Online Donations

Donation Amount

Please send all check donations to:

Impact World Change
PO Box 848
Nisswa, MN 56468

In the memo line write the name of the ministry, staff, or project that you are wanting to support.

Financial contributions to Impact World Change (dba Impact Honduras, Impact Somalia, Impact Uganda, and Impact Ukraine) fully qualify for Federal income tax-deductions allowable by IRS guidelines. To be consistent with legal standards, discretion in the use and disposition of all donations is under the full control of Impact World Change.

All financial contributions will be assessed with a minimal administrative fee which goes towards operating costs. No goods or services are provided in exchange for gifts other than intangible religious benefits.

Impact World Change does not pay salaries to anyone. We are entirely volunteer-operated. Stripe, our credit card processor, charges 3% and we take a small administrative fee click to view fee schedule and terms.